Amazing Cartoon
A fellow by the nome de plume of CRAZY OLD NIGG@ just posted a cartoon I can't stop laughing about at CBR. Now it goes on ourwebsite until it gets pushed off. Enjoy it with me, folks.

A fellow by the nome de plume of CRAZY OLD NIGG@ just posted a cartoon I can't stop laughing about at CBR. Now it goes on ourwebsite until it gets pushed off. Enjoy it with me, folks.
According to THE NEW YORKER (clickie on yon title of this very post), it's already as good as it's gonna get! JIMMY CORRIGAN is the shit! Stop bothering to do great work, because according to one of America's premiere magazines of cultural criticism, JIMMY CORRIGAN is as good as it will ever get.
Gone are the days when I can tease Alex about how much GL crap comes out week after week. All the expensive replicas and statues and snowglobes, when the Big Red Cheese only occasionally gets a cheap action figure.
I almost never "link-blog" or whatever the kids are a'callin' it, but I check this one place every single day, and whenever he hasn't posted anything new, I get sad as the dickens.