Monday, October 17, 2005

Ah, crap.

Gone are the days when I can tease Alex about how much GL crap comes out week after week. All the expensive replicas and statues and snowglobes, when the Big Red Cheese only occasionally gets a cheap action figure.

But things are changing.

Looks like it's time to stop liking Captain Marvel. I heard they "killed" him, anyway. Now I need to start collecting all the Amazing Joy Buzzards stuff I can find.

Including the first issue of the new volume, out this week!

2 Love Letters:

Blogger Mr. Rice said...

Because if I like him then I have to plunk down 300 dollars on that hunk of crap, obviously! Durg!

8:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least try to hold out until the Jeff Smith series that we've been promised for umpty-million years comes out. He's the Big Red Cheese's last best hope as far as I'm concerned.

3:18 PM


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