Yeah, yeah. Everyone does it. But I'm going to do it better. So shut up your face.
Let's start off with this little beaut:

Jimenez, as the writer of this book and as a Donna Troy fan and as a gay man, I must ask you: a choker? A fucking choker? Other than that, this cover is like a gay dream. Are there any straight Donna Troy fans? Wait, a choker? Seriously? What a big pile of "who gives a shit" this is.

Jerry Ordway: good, but not Gene Ha. God, I hope this comic even begins to approach the greatness of the first volume. But . . .well . . .hey, we'll always have the trades.

If I showed this to the girls in my classroom they'd probably freak out and scream, not in a good way. I might even get fired. Don't kid yourself, Loeb. Look at the (awful) art: this book isn't meant for girls any more than anything else coming out of the DCU. Cleavage and bad art. Hooray.

I was almost thinking this art was really fun, too.

JSA: Where "super"heroes look somber against a black background. And, apparently, wear clothes that would have gotten you made fun of in the mid-nineties. Jesus. Alex Ross, just stop. Just stop. The Captain Marvel cover of JSA last week . . .it was Cap in DEEP contemplation on, clearly, some SERIOUS issue. Guess what? If you're an eight year old who can turn into the best superhero of all time, then you don't fucking brood. That's why he's always got that shit-eating grin when normal artists and writers work on him. Because his life is fun. A lot of lives are fun. My life is fun. Please someone tell DC editorial that lives are sometimes fun.

A Pro/LSH crossover? Didn't see that one coming! HEYOOOOO! Seriously, that art is nice. Too bad the story will be boring and tedious.

That's a fun damned cover. Swan/Bolland. That's a combo I would not have predicted.

That is a pretty Batman cover. I will give this a chance.

Drool drool.

Drool drool drool.
Huh. I didn't make fun of things that much. I will try harder.