Ever had a random memory pop into your head? I had one earlier today and I have no idea why. But it's a memory from high school, probably around sophomore year. It was to be a grand project I was working on. I was writing up notes, drawing character sketches, and had no idea for a plot.
See, I was going to update Peanuts. Age them to high school years. Charlie Brown was a punk, anti-establishment. Shroeder was experimenting with drugs and playing guitar. Lucy was a rich slut bitch. Linus was the only popular kid that would still talk to "Chuck." Pigpen had cleaned up and gone preppy. It was to be a biting satire of high school class structure, a real invective. I thought it was awesome.
Of course, at the time I was a adolescent loser mad at the world for the perceived injustice of Kristi Thomas not wanting to go out with me and the outrage of my lack of blowjobs. When you're at that point, taking children's characters and making "commentary" about how shitty life is seems like a great idea.
If only I could relate this anecdote to corporate comics these days, but I can't quite see the connection.